
IGS-sustainability-conference-successes!IGS is highly experienced and skilled at facilitating group sessions ranging from public meetings to mediations. Our success is achieved by paying close attention to customer priorities and tailoring our approach to customer needs.

IGS offers skills that comply with the facilitation competencies developed by the International Association of Facilitators.

IGS team members have honed their knowledge based on the following critical facilitation skills:

    • Creating collaborative client relationships by developing working partnerships, designing and customizing applications to meet client needs and managing multi-session events effectively.
    • Planning appropriate group processes and utilizing appropriate meeting facilitation techniques that foster open participation with respect to client culture, norms and participant diversity.
    • Creating and sustaining a participatory environment by demonstrating effective participatory and interpersonal communication skills, honoring and recognizing diversity and ensuring inclusiveness, managing group conflict and evoking group creativity.
    • Guiding groups to appropriate and useful outcomes by leading group discussion with clear methods and processes, facilitating group self-awareness about its task and guiding the group to consensus and desired outcomes.
    • Modeling positive professional attitudes by using the Appreciative Inquiry methodology, acting with integrity, and by developing trust with the group by honoring their wisdom and modeling neutrality at all times.